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About This Project

About the Project


"Meals on a Shoestring: A Study on Food Insecurity in U.S." was first proposed for the Thomas H. Kean ’53 Fellowship school grant on public policy. The author's purpose was to increase her own knowledge and to raise public awareness on the topic of domestic food insecurity. 


The project has four parts: research, interview, experience, and the final product. They are all visible in various sections of this website. The final product was originally designed to be a written report and volunteering at a local food bank; however, after contacting a food pantry, it was decided that raising awareness in some other way will be more realistic. The MealsOnAShoeString website was then created. Twenty posters (see right) were printed out and positioned around neighborhood centers to encourage people to visit the website. All grant money was donated to the non-profit Feeding America.

Figure 49: Advertisement Poster

Length: 2 weeks


Websites visited: more than 20


People interviewed: 30


Was it fun: SUPER =^>.<^=

About the Author

A high school student in love with her art and her studies, currently residing in California and dreaming of becoming a scientist/artist/entrepreneur/ really just anything in the future.


Email address:

Art: untitled

A word


Ugh, so much to say, but there's definitely not enough space here for a two-page essay. I guess I'll just have to save my enthusiasm for next time :p.


First of all, on the hard topic of tackling hard topics. Just as I mentioned in other web pages, food insecurity is a very complex issue. Even after two weeks of studying, I can still say with unyielding certainty that my knowledge only skims the surface of a vast, bottomless ocean. As a result, especially to an expert, many of my statements and beliefs will seem uninformed and immature. They should be taken only as an outsider's speculations. However, just because it is hard to investigate complicated social issues does not mean the public should refrain from doing so. I mean, all experts probably would not be at the level they are at today without going through a stage of misinformation and immaturity. So if you are considering diving into a "deep topic", go ahead! This experience has taught me much, not only on the topic of research but on the topic of researching (see what I did there). I believe it will give you great benefits too if you nurture your idea.


Secondly, I want to give my thanks to the people who helped me complete Meals On a Shoestring. My gratitude goes to Mr. Camp, who answered my many questions patiently and, along with the grant committee, gave me his support for my idea. Big thanks to my mom <3, without whose help I would not have been able to print my thirty survey sheets and twenty posters. Huge THANKS for all of the participants of the survey, without whom this study would not be complete, good job putting up with my confusing instructions :p. And finally, thumbs-ups for you, my reader. Choosing to inform oneself is the first step for progress, and let us all take on this journey together.


I hope that was a fun experience for you. I hope you learned something, and most importantly, I wish it inspired you to think about social issues like this in the future, or just think in general. 



Stay curious,

J.T. =(^⋅.⋅^)=



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